priyanka singh
2 min readMar 21, 2021

Today’s article is all about the amazing health benefits of baking soda, which you probably haven’t heard of before, as well as its uses. It is well known for its use in cooking, but it also has a wide range of other purposes. Sodium bicarbonate is another name of it, which has multiple healing properties. Here are just a few ways of how you can use it in your daily life.

It’s expensive to go to a salon these days to get a pedicure, but you can easily do it at home with baking soda. Take a tub of water and add half a cup of soda to it. Now soak your feet in it for 30 minutes. Scrub your feet with a brush or a cloth and dry them.

If you’re tired of having yellow teeth, baking soda is the answer. To keep your teeth looking pearly white, make your paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and water. Once a week, rub that toothpaste you made and let it sit for 5 minutes before washing your mouth. It is a great way to keep your teeth white and kill bacteria without using harsh or chemical products.

Baking soda is also helpful for softening and glowing your hands. Apply a small amount of soda to any coconut oil and rub it into your hands or any rough spots. This method will improve the appearance of your hands immediately.

If you are bothered by pimples or acne on the face, baking soda is the best treatment for you. It not only gets rid of it, but it also takes care of their blemishes. Apply a paste made of soda and water to the pimples. Make note not to apply it all over your face. Allow it to sit for fifteen minutes before washing it with clean water. Since soda dries out the skin, use a moisturizer after that.

Baking soda’s granular properties allow it to reach nooks and corners in and between your teeth that brushing or flossing may have missed. A mouthwash containing baking soda is the quickest way to get rid of it. Simply combine a spoonful of soda with a cup of warm water and swish as usual. It even relieves canker sores inside the mouse, which can be hard to get rid of at times.

Baking soda works as a natural deodorant because it reduces the acidity of sweat odors. Fill a spray bottle with water and soda in a 3:1 ratio. Now, use it after a bath or whenever you need it.

According to WebMD, baking soda has properties that help soothe redness caused by itchiness and sunburns. Take a bath with one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a bucket of water.

Learn more.

priyanka singh
priyanka singh

Written by priyanka singh


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